The paper tiger revealed

In an excellent article, Gordon Chang explains why he is still correct about China’s coming collapse. Indeed, as has been stated here before, the theory behind China’s aggression, its claims to the laughable claims to the entire South China Sea, its continually rising military expenditure, for no apparent reason, its aggression,  instability,   paranoia,  worryingly nationalistic pressunsettling power struggles, more instability , the lowest growth rate in eight years, isolation and generally failing economy are a dangerous combination. It is never a good sign when those wealthy enough to leave the country do. The world is in fact watching not the rise of the Middle Kingdom, but its “long decline“.

Chang argues that the fundamental reason why China has lasted this long is that “the Chinese central government has managed to avoid adhering to many of its obligations made when it joined the WTO in 2001 to open its economy and play by the rules, and the international community maintained a generally tolerant attitude toward this noncompliant behavior”. Thus exports soared, while the home market was protected.

Such is the nonsensical accolades that China is receiving that “Justin Yifu Lin, the World Bank’s chief economist, believes the country can grow for at least two more decades at 8 percent, and the International Monetary Fund predicts China’s economy will surpass America’s in size by 2016″.

Chang ignores these so called “experts” and says that China has grown economically because of “Deng Xiaoping’s transformational ‘reform and opening up’ policies”, ” Deng’s era of change coincided with the end of the Cold War, which brought about the elimination of political barriers to international commerce” and finally Chang says that  ” all of this took place while China was benefiting from its ‘demographic dividend,’ an extraordinary bulge in the workforce”.

Chang thankfully goes on to say that “the Communist Party has turned its back on Deng’s progressive policies”, that “the global boom of the last two decades ended in 2008 when markets around the world crashed. The tumultuous events of that year brought to a close an unusually benign period during which countries attempted to integrate China into the international system and therefore tolerated its mercantilist policies. Now, however, every nation wants to export more and, in an era of protectionism or of managed trade, China will not be able to export its way to prosperity like it did during the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s” and lastly as has been discussed here before, and as Chang mentions “The Chinese workforce will level off in about 2013, perhaps 2014,according to both Chinese and foreign demographers, but the effect is already being felt as wages rise, a trend that will eventually make the country’s factories uncompetitive”.

He adds that “Money started to leave the country in October, and Beijing’s foreign reserves have been shrinking since September”.

Chang posits the interesting scenario that “we will witness either a crash or, more probably, a Japanese-style multi-decade decline. Either way, economic troubles are occurring just as Chinese society is becoming extremely restless. It is not only that protests have spiked upwards — there were 280,000 “mass incidents” last year according to one count — but that they are also increasingly violent as the recent wave of uprisingsinsurrectionsrampages and bombings suggest”.

He concludes that “social change in China is accelerating. The problem for the country’s ruling party is that, although Chinese people generally do not have revolutionary intentions, their acts of social disruption can have revolutionary implications because they are occurring at an extraordinarily sensitive time”. He adds that “Political scientists, who like to bring order to the inexplicable, say that a host of factors are required for regime collapse and that China is missing the two most important of them: a divided government and a strong opposition.” Yet as he says, the rebels in Cairo or Benghazi were not united, the only thing that united them was the hatred of Mubarak and Gaddafi, and look where they are now.

Is this the beginning of the end of the Chinese moment?

32 Responses to “The paper tiger revealed”

  1. Inequality, Chinese style « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] growth in China comes from greater efficiency in resource use”. Yet as has been noted here, here and here, that this need for labour will increase just at a time when their immoral one child policy […]

  2. One priority at a time « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] this is the key to answering the question that Caryl raises. China is the greatest threat to regional stability in Asia and so security and trade come first, for now. America is rightly practising basic […]

  3. China, making things worse for itself « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] As a result of the trouble brewing in the South China Sea as a result of China’s aggression some have noting that the victory at the recent ASEAN summit was only a Pyrrhic victory for a country facing turmoil, if not soon, then eventually. […]

  4. Losing out, for now « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] Yet, he goes on to argue that the small regional states are using their influence to have Russia and the US bid against each other, he writes, “in 2009, President Kurmanbek Bakiyev of Kyrgyzstan, host to the Manas Transit Center, initiated a bidding war between the United States and Russia by threatening to close the base. He extracted hundreds of millions of dollars from both sides, in the form of a Russian assistance package and a renewed lease at a higher rent with the United States. Since 2008, the United States also has paid transit fees, about $500 million annually, to the Uzbek and other Central Asian governments to ship equipment bound for Afghanistan through the Northern Distribution Network”. Yet, would be hard to argue that many of the “Stans” are in the pocket of Russia, as they have been even before the collapse of the USSR. He cites another example of “The availability of alternative patrons has made U.S. strategic engagement more expensive everywhere, both in terms of dollars and politics. In 2008, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa refused to extend a ten-year lease of the U.S. base at Manta, after having been offered $500 million to upgrade the facility by a Hong Kong port operator”. If this is some subtle suggestion of Chinese power in Ecuador then it will be shortlived. […]

  5. A real and visible threat « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] these pages have consistently tried to do is warn of the dangers of underestimating China’s weakness, with its economy flatlining and restitive populace, it is no future global leader but facing long, […]

  6. Twice as dangerous « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] future economic, political and military power, as has been discussed here before will wane over the next two decades, if not […]

  7. An unrealistic solution « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] because it is in their interest to be seen as the reasonable party in this dispute. Why? Because if China’s power continues to rise, a key feature of East Asian diplomacy will be how different […]

  8. Enemy no.1? « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] He goes on to argue that “Beijing, in the throes of modernization and heavily weighed down by a massive population, increasingly urgent energy needs, and a troubled political transition — see: Bo Xilai and other travails of succession — can hardly be seen as our new No. 1 geopolitical foe. Furthermore, China’s military is still decades away from having any kind of ability to project force over meaningful distances. The 100-mile width of the Taiwan Strait could just as easily be a thousand miles, given China’s lack of force-projection capability. Even the quite large People’s Liberation Army is full of question marks, with few substantive changes evident since it got such a bloody nose during the 1979 war with Vietnam”. Indeed, much of this has been said here before, China being far weaker than it actually seems. […]

  9. China and Cambodia « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] and when China weakens, or indeed, collapses, where will the Cambodians turn to? North Korea? What happens if China erupts, how will the […]

  10. Alienating everyone « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] grounded in any reality. Secondly and perhaps most worryingly of all it does not seem to understand China’s inherent weakness. If this supposed strength made China act strong while in reality it was weak it could, and to some […]

  11. Related matters « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] the notion of America decline having been throughly defeated, attention must now turn to related matters. As the fiscal cliff negotations were eventually […]

  12. The Chinese pivot « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] the relationship has the potential to be zero sum IR theory assumes a war must take place but equally it is down to China to alter its hawkish positions and moderate so tensions would […]

  13. A view from Singapore « Order and Tradition Says:

    […] piece in Foreign Policy disucsses he “rise” of China with Lee Kuan Yew, prime minister of Singapore from 1959 to 1990. The article […]

  14. Political problems for growth | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] been much talk elsewhere about the need for massive reform in China or the country will face dire political, to say nothing of the economic […]

  15. Already lost? | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] strengthen should not be overestimated and it is much more fragile both demographically, internally and regionally where it has done little to use its great wealth to bolster its […]

  16. Xi’s dream | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] but because people had had enough of being told what to do. China’s myriad problems have been discussed here at length but to double down on CCP rule and assume that because the economy is growing and […]

  17. What competition? – Part II | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] calls for it to assume more global responsibility”. This is seen in relation to the “rise” of China and the impact India, especially its navy, can have on how China pressures the […]

  18. China’s new normal | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] Yet, it must be asked, why did a group of official who have almost supreme power fail to do anything to rebalance their economy to a more sustainable growth model. One of the answers must, inevitably be political. The leaders knew that to do so would mean accepting a “lower” growth model which in turn would mean fewer jobs being created and from there, the distinct possibility of further unrest on a greater scale. […]

  19. What competition? – Part XII | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] be said have a vital national interest in keeping it it check perhaps to the exclusion of other potential challengers. So while they might be competition in the economic sense of the term, America has less […]

  20. Behind the shutdown | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] on the debt, education system, infrastructure and a whole raft of other problems. As has been said here before, these problems are not systemic but failure to deal with them could cripple the long term […]

  21. Domestic understretch | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] If, and hopefully when, America leaves this phase in its history and becomes a political class that can work together then it can still accomplish much more than any of its supposed competitors or China. […]

  22. Order and Tradition Says:

    […] foreign policy. An article discusses the “rise” of China but the serious weaknesses it has also. The piece opens, “China has got richer faster than any large country in history. In […]

  23. “Barely visible to the untrained eye” | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] article from the Economist reports that some minor reforms have taken place. However, the scale of the problems confronting China and the vested interests that must be overcome does not ensure that real reforms […]

  24. Correcting Li | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] he sees in China’s statecraft, and predicts a coming period of international volatility as China displaces the United States. By circulating his ideas so widely, his articles provide an excellent opportunity […]

  25. China’s excess housing | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] concern, has as been noted here before is that when a downturn comes will China be able to adjust and deal with the consequences, whatever […]

  26. Impossible to govern? | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] has been mentioned here before this danger has been present in CHina for decades, even hundreds of years, but there is less and […]

  27. No insurmountable challenges | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] position of America geographically. He goes on to write about the power of American demography as opposed to that of China’s, “We are likewise blessed to have a bright demographic future. Our […]

  28. Order and Tradition Says:

    […] believing its own “decline” and even worse would then feed into China’s obviously mistaken belief that it is […]

  29. Order and Tradition Says:

    […] this is indeed its century. In reality, however, the period of Chinese primacy, if it ever existed, is just about over. Neither Modi nor Kerry was in any mood to accommodate Beijing on core issues. We start with Modi. […]

  30. Chinese slowdown and Russia | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] the potential aftershocks of the Chinese collapse on the strength of the regimes. The long term decline of China is assured but the effects that it could cause instability in Russia, Iran and Latin America are both a cause […]

  31. Order and Tradition Says:

    […] and the stockmarket collapsing would not just be dangerous for the global economy but for the internal stability of the regime itself. China watchers have continually said that China will move its economy to one based on domestic […]

  32. Cameron sucks up to China | Order and Tradition Says:

    […] The short term danger is that energy consumption has been declining in the UK for a decade and this energy deal will guarantee the Chinese a certain price irrespective of demand. This will naturally come from the UK taxpayers rather than “the market”. On that reason alone the deal is a disaster. The longer term concern is that it will prop up the Chinese regime and at the same time tie the UK government to this regime just as it is showing its manifold weaknesses. […]

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